New Feature Request
This is a little quirk in S1 that I would love to see resolved. Anyone switching from Pro Tools will be very frustrated with this. We are using they keyboard shortcuts A and S to trim start to cursor and end to cursor.
However there is one small oversight and that is that sometimes when playback is running it will trim the event to the moving "Playhead", when I feel like it should be trimming to where your mouse click position is. Depends on what you consider the Cursor is it the mouse click position or where the playhead is?
Please add a setting for this or figure out a way to change the behaviour to trim start and end to the mouse click when the playback is happening, because it makes no sense to be trimming to a moving playhead.
We should be able to edit audio while playback is happening so that the client can be recording or listening to the song while we edit audio/midi.
Thank you so much!