New Feature Request
ALL of the knobs, faders, buttons, what have you, that I mapped for my controller are visible in the MIDI Learn window NO MATTER the Focus/Plugin. First off, I don't need to see all that for each Focus/Plugin. Rather, I just need to see ONLY the controls "specifically mapped" to that Focus/Plugin. Otherwise, it's easy to get, not only confused, but mistaken and remove things inadvertently. The problem when removing control links in one Focus/Plugin is that it removes the mappings for ALL OTHER Focuses/Plugins. WHAT? That's BAD my opinion. Additionally, the "Remove All" option is positioned in the dropdown where it is waaay too easy to choose it accidentally and strike all mappings. ALL mappings! Yes, I've done this. After hours of work, one slip of the finger and...POOF!...all gone WITH NO UNDO!! There's history. But that has a problem with linearity. You can't just pull something out of history that's further up the list.
You guys have a great product! Been using for several years. But it is formally buggered in this particular arena. Please resolve, change, adapt, adjust...whatever, this functionality with the NEXT "dot" update. It is crucial to my workflow. I'm quite certain I'm not alone in this.
changed description "ALL of the knobs, faders, buttons, what have you, that I mapped for my controller are visible in the MIDI Learn window NO MATTER the Focus/Plugin. First off, I don't need to see all that for each Focus/Plugin. Rather, I just need to see ONLY the controls "specifically mapped" to that Focus/Plugin. Otherwise, it's easy to get, not only confused, but mistaken and remove things inadvertently. The problem when removing control links in one Focus/Plugin is that it removes the mappings for ALL OTHER
focuses.Focuses/Plugins. WHAT? That's BAD my opinion. Additionally, the "Remove All" option is positioned in the dropdown where it is waaay too easy to choose it accidentally and strike all mappings. ALL mappings! Yes, I've done this. After hours of work, one slip of the finger and...POOF!...all gone WITH NO UNDO!! There's history. But that has a problem with linearity. You can't just pull something out of history that's further up the list. You guys have a great product! Been using for several years. But it is formally buggered in this particular arena. Please resolve, change, adapt, adjust...whatever, this functionality with the NEXT "dot" update. It is crucial to my workflow. I'm quite certain I'm not alone in this. "Hi, this is a tech support matter for investigation. Please create a support ticket from your account by clicking on Support from the menu bar at the top. Then, click the + icon to start a new ticket. Thanks.
@jonny_lipsham I was told by Lawrence when I submitted the above couple of paragraphs that it should be a feature request. So, there you go. Perhaps you can put in a good word for me, er, this "feature request" with the folks at Presonus. I've enjoyed your videos for many years now, by the way.
The above entry is a direct copy from my Tech Support Ticket of Nov 6 whereby Lawrence duly told to make it a Feature Request and then to, well, go away (essentially). Not the level of support I expect after several years investing in this product. Plus, after much research on controllers (prior to purchasing my Arturia Keylab 61 MKIII) it is clear that the controller manufacturers deliberately shy away from Studio One when it comes to mapping. I can't say if this is due to Studio One's implementation of Control Link (poor) or if they look at Control Link and think...well, I don't know what they think really. Perhaps it's just a feature too far. Thanks for your input. Maybe you have some pull with them (Presonus). Meanwhile, please upvote this, if you would be so kind. I have enjoyed your videos over the years.
I was told by Lawrence when I submitted the above couple of paragraphs as a trouble ticket on Nov 6 that this was a feature request. So, there you go. Starting to feel a little jacked around by Fender....I mean Presonus, of course. Perhaps you can put in a word for me, er, this "feature" or "tech support" item or what have you. I've enjoyed your videos for many years. Thanks for those.