Studio One Pro Feature Requests
At PreSonus, we care about the needs of our users. Let us know which features you would like to see us implement next. Your feedback and comments are highly appreciated! Tell us how we're doing!
At PreSonus, we care about the needs of our users. Let us know which features you would like to see us implement next. Your feedback and comments are highly appreciated!
Feature Requests
At PreSonus, we care about the needs of our users. Let us know which features you would like to see us implement next. Your feedback and comments are highly appreciated!
This would be really helpful. Just an personal excampel:
I created an 16 bars long midiclip and wanted to randomize it with propability. Since the pattern editor just allows maximum 4 bars, i needet to split the midi clip to four pieces and and converted it to four patterns wich i than could randomize. It would be more easy to just be able to use propability as an automation parameter from the list but ist not available. I could also just thin out the notes of the 16 bars midi clip but its much more cooler to give every Note a propability, so you can douplicate the midiclip and listen for hours to different versions.