Studio One Pro Feature Requests
At PreSonus, we care about the needs of our users. Let us know which features you would like to see us implement next. Your feedback and comments are highly appreciated! Tell us how we're doing!
At PreSonus, we care about the needs of our users. Let us know which features you would like to see us implement next. Your feedback and comments are highly appreciated!
Feature Requests
At PreSonus, we care about the needs of our users. Let us know which features you would like to see us implement next. Your feedback and comments are highly appreciated!
Agreed. Light and fx automation are a critical piece for most people that would use the show functionality. I would REALLY like to see an automation channel type. It could be like MIDI. Eventually tying into a visualizer would be amazing, but I am getting a bit crazy.
It would be a dream come true if Show Page had a midi track to trigger DMX lights! I can't wait for this feature to come, it will be the ultimate DAW if we can have a midi track for Show Page!
You know what would be even nicer is if you can run a video in show. A midi track would be nice. I wonder why they haven't incorporated it.
Mad that video and DMX control is missing from Show page. As well as control for any other midi external devices. As it is now Show page is just a backing track player with VSTi's. Better apps on an iPad. And it doesn't look as if Presonus are spending any serious time developing the Show page. It's a pity as it could be a game changer - but for the moment it's MainStage or Q-Lab. There's be huge market for theatres etc if they implemented the features. I think the Show page was a hastily added feature for marketing that fails to deliver.
With a midi track in showpage it would be enough to add an infinite number of communication options with instruments, dmx, guitar processors, guitar effects, light triggers etc. It's something simple, I don't understand why it's not on the showpage?
Thank you for the feature request.
If anyone else agrees or disagrees, please VOTE!
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Automation would be a natural development for Show. Not only for the DMX. Running DMX on Ableton, works great. But with migrating over to Show for my keys I will have the syncproblem between systems.
I agree. This is a MUST. I suggest a new track type, a DMX track, that should be available on the arrangement view just like any other track (and not only in show page). This way you could design and arrange your light's performance while you compose your song - and make the whole show even more synergic - and then, of course, you will use those DMX tracks you worked on in the show page! It can start with a simple DMX sequencer where you can send commands to a single DMX universe (512 channels) usign standard USB to DMX interfaces, such as the Enttec DMX USB Pro AND compatibles. Please add that great feature!
I’m new to studio one and I’m looking for the best way to trigger DMX lights. I switched over from Logic and so far that’s the only thing that’s missing for me here. I’ll have to keep using logic for that I guess. Up voting this though for sure!
I'm new to Studio One. So far I'm liking it. I used DMXIS with Sonar's live ability and loved that I could "play" my lights with my backing tracks. Bring it on PreSonus. Make Studio One the BEST it can be.
Yes, and as dmx can be driven with MIDI, this should not be rocket science to implement. The dmx controller could be a plug-in (I have come across some such plug-ins, but have not tried them yet - its in my To Do list)
Please add DMX lights control soon so we can start to use the Show Page for our live shows.
Still waiting on this. It's what keeps people using Ableton. But I love the show page
I would love to see a DMX lighting control added to the Show Page as well as full Midi and video. Please add!!
I just posted a relate feature which would be to render Timecode audio track similar to click. Most lighting software can be programmed to timecode which is a common practice. I gave this one an upvote. Here is my post:
I switched to Stuido One for the show page, and was very disappointed to find out I could not run my midi light show, or make programming changes to my external vocal FX processes.