Studio One Pro Feature Requests
At PreSonus, we care about the needs of our users. Let us know which features you would like to see us implement next. Your feedback and comments are highly appreciated! Tell us how we're doing!
At PreSonus, we care about the needs of our users. Let us know which features you would like to see us implement next. Your feedback and comments are highly appreciated!
Feature Requests
At PreSonus, we care about the needs of our users. Let us know which features you would like to see us implement next. Your feedback and comments are highly appreciated!
I agree. For a better understanding please ty to use a 9/8, 12/8 bar and you will see, that the metronome in this way sucks completely. It seems that most of the S1 users work DJ-style or programmers - they only use 4/4 obviously.
Kind of impressive that this doesn't have more votes. A total must for any serious workstation.
I would agree. While it can be done in other ways, this is especially difficult if you have changing time signatures as well as music that moves between triplet and straight eighths. I tried to use 12/8 and then 4/4, but the metronome defaults to clicking the 8th notes.Since I also have a bar of 11/8 at one point and that makes it even more problematic. I'm probably going to have to change the time signatures, render the click as audio, and then clean it up (e.g., remove the clicks I don't want). Painful....
Yes please, add this. No sense that we dont have that feature. It's a basic function on a metronome.
I'm baffled that this is real. How can we not have a triplet subdivision in the metronome? I'm pretty sure even Garage Band does that.
I would go even so far as to add multiple layers for the metronome. For example, the first layer could be quarter notes, the second layer triplets. It would be really handy if one could specify which notes of the current subdivision are being played (or which notes should be excluded) This would be very helpful for those who want to use Studio One to broaden their sense of timing. Furthermore, extended tuplets, which are not too common in today's music, could be included (e.g quintuplets, septuplets, or even more complex tuplets). With the metronome, one could train the ability to perform those not too often used rhythms.
This feature request was made 5 years ago and still haven't been incorporated into Studio One? This should be a standard in a recording software!
Yes I agree. The hassle with triplets is just terrible! Who doesn't use triplets in their songs?