New Feature Request
This is the one thing keeping me from switching to Studio One from Pro Tools. In Pro Tools when you group tracks together it gives you an option to also include plugin parameters into the group. So for instance if you have 6 Background Vocal tracks and they all have an SSL Channel strip plugin on insert A you can group the plugin parameters on insert A across ALL those BGV tracks. How I tweak the SSL Channel strip on the BGV 1 track will ALSO apply to the SSL Channel Strip plugins on the BGV 5 through 6 tracks. Pro Tools also allows you to select WHICH inserts will be grouped. So you could link parameters on inserts A through E in the group but NOT parameters on Inserts H through J so that only certain plugins will be linked together and others will not. Pro Tools also allows you to optionally link the Bypass state of plugins across groups by insert as well. LOVE THAT. This is a HUGE timesaver in mixing and it saves you from having to tweak a plugin on one track in solo and then copy and paste that plugin to all the other tracks in the group. And if you want to change the parameters than you have to RE-COPY the plugin across all the channels. Its a real pain.
Not an exact match to what you're saying, but one quick and easy work around would be adding a bus for those channels (highlight all 6 vocal channels and click 'add bus for selected channels') and adding all effects you wanted 'grouped' to the bus, all those you don't want 'grouped' on the channel itself. I acknowledge this isn't a perfect solution as you don't have complete control over the order of your plugins, it requires adding a bus which is sometimes trouble you don't want to deal with, etc. but I find this works well for me when I'm in that position!
Fully agree. I really miss this feature. It is also available in Cubase and I'm pretty sure I've seen it been used in other DAWs as well. It sure is a time saver.
Thank you for the feature request.
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oh god yess. this is unbelievably annoying. I wanted to switch to studio one from PT and this is one of the things why I am still on the fence about it.
Yes! Yes! Yes! Coming from PT this is one of the reasons to go back to it. Mixing big vocal stacks and so on is really so much faster if you can adjust the compressor and what not on each of the individual tracks by adjusting just one of ‘em. I’m guessing it’s quite a bit of work to implement and then to make it interface in a consistent way to the GUI of the rest of S1 but it is so worth it imho. This is the stuff that I (and other professionals) actually need.
I really do miss this part of Pro Tools
Completely agree! This one of the few things i'm missing in S1.
This would be an epic feature, that way you don't have to copy the plugin once you edit a parameter. You'll be able to hear the changes simultaneously if you have for example one track hard panned to the left and the other to the right. PLEASE PreSonus make this Wonderfull feature a reality.
Is this still an item that is missing? It’s hard to keep up and be relevant without this kind of workflow. Being able to link plugins is critical for SIMPLE routing and avoiding unnecessary busing. Is this something that is included with S1 6??
Please can we have this!
Definitely miss this feature coming from cubase!
This will help a lot in LIVE DAW Mixing. I've just switched the DAW all the way to PT because of LIVE Auto tuning for multiple mics. one simple feature made me to buy another whole DAW subscription
Definitely need this.
LUNA also have this feature.
This feature is really important
2023 and we are still in need of this feature! I hope they include it soon. For example, I want to sidechain comp several tracks for an EDM track, but I need to export separate stems from specifics buses not just one bus with everything, but having to set up the same everytime is a little annoying
agreed! would love to have this.
Yes!!! Please! +1000!!!!
I know you could add a bus quickly, but that unnecessarily adds another track to the mix window. The option to have plugin parameters be linked is a really great and VERY useful feature!
What the OP said about linking specific inserts together is great too, and goes along with two other feature requests I put in:
Yes. This missing functionality keeps me from moving to Studio One. Would be ideal to control the rootkey and scale for vocal tuning in a live broadcast mix.
For Atmos mixing and 'faking' a master bus compressor (by send everything to a bus with no output then sidechain a compressor on every channel) this is now needed even more. Apparently this is a common trick used by some of the big name Atmos mixers out there ... Workaround for now could be to use fuse audio labs VCS-1 channel strip, as this has the function. Would be better to have the possibility of doing this with any plugin though.
Devs, it's my opinion that this needs to happen in the next major release of Studio One. I had to Google how to link inserts in Studio One and found this feature request page.
I flirted with LUNA because of that feature. Luna is like a baby compared to studio one! So much more functionality in studio one, yet this is still not incorporated. Would be really really great if this was possible in the near future.
I would love that
I can't believe I'm still dealing with this. Please add this feature.
Yes please times 1000. This would also require having insert slots like Pro Tools or Logic, which is also better for organization. They don’t have to be labeled “insert a, b, c” etc.; you could just make them “insert 1, insert 2, insert 3” etc. just as long as it’s implemented so that if you wanted say ALL of your SSL channel plugins on “insert 3”, they would all be on the same horizontal line. Great for organization; great for grouping. Edit: ALSO, I would recommend being able to group plugins in a way that you can select the parameters to group. In Pro Tools, you can group the parameters, and the bypass state. I know Studio One is pretty comprehensive when it comes to “undo”, macros, plugin automation, etc., so I would suggest taking it a step further and allow to even group by specific parameters, similar to how you can select parameters for plugin automation. If you can get so in depth as to automate a plugin’s specific parameter, you can group specific insert’s parameters. Maybe a “select all” checkbox for all parameters; otherwise, nothing is selected and you can just choose specific parameters via a checkbox. Raise the bar, Presonus!!! :)
I completely agree that this feature needs to be added into the grouped tracks section. When re-amping di guitar with amp sims ( ampire , helix native, Amplitube, guitar rig ext ). It’s very helpful in other DAWS like Pro Tools to adjust the stereo ( hard left and hard right) tracks together instead of adjusting independently and copying over the plugins and hoping it sounds like you think it will. It takes the guess work and time wasted out of the equation. Please add this feature as a option in grouped tracks Presonus . Furthermore with atmos coming up in importance it’s very necessary to be able to adjust global effects across a mix going into Atmos rendering. This feature would begin to address this…
I Expanded upon this feature request with a better and deeper yet easier way to do this than Pro Tools and Cubase after thinking about it for a while .. Please vote up ...