Studio One Pro Feature Requests
At PreSonus, we care about the needs of our users. Let us know which features you would like to see us implement next. Your feedback and comments are highly appreciated! Tell us how we're doing!
At PreSonus, we care about the needs of our users. Let us know which features you would like to see us implement next. Your feedback and comments are highly appreciated!
Feature Requests
At PreSonus, we care about the needs of our users. Let us know which features you would like to see us implement next. Your feedback and comments are highly appreciated!
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Absolutely necessary !
I just bought the Faderport 16 and tried this out. I can find no way of smoothly scrolling or scrubbing Studio One in any smaller increments other than one entire bar! It's crazy to me that this option isn't available even with perhaps a 'shift'/wheel option. Please do something to fix this oversight.
It's absolutely insane to me that with killer functionality and amazing updates that have come out lately, we still cannot scroll in increments less than 1 bar.
I've just purchased and set up a FP16 and was shocked by the course movement that the scroll function affords! I'd been using an MCU Pro with S1 and the scroll wheel has always been my primary way of making fine movements when editing. Please address this issue as I'm very disappointed in this one aspect of the Faderport performance. The scroll function should at the very least be linked to the selected quantize setting.
Absolutely. I have a Y2K era Akai Digital recorder with a scrub knob that allowed extremely smooth and close tolerance scrolling. The assumption here with the FP8 is that one will use the mouse for that, and the scroll knob will get you within two seconds of your mark. Two seconds?! I absolutely agree that there should be a "fine increment" option.
Add us to this request list. Amazing that this incredible interface can't do the simplest task of scrolling smoothly and be customized that way.
Please fix this. I can't use Scroll at all in my workflow