Studio One Pro Feature Requests
At PreSonus, we care about the needs of our users. Let us know which features you would like to see us implement next. Your feedback and comments are highly appreciated! Tell us how we're doing!
At PreSonus, we care about the needs of our users. Let us know which features you would like to see us implement next. Your feedback and comments are highly appreciated!
Feature Requests
At PreSonus, we care about the needs of our users. Let us know which features you would like to see us implement next. Your feedback and comments are highly appreciated!
I have voted up this idea. But one remark: For people like me with a red - green color weakness it's hard to see the difference between Staccato and Legato. The colors should be chosen carefully. But a really nice idea!
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Yeah, sure. You can assign whatever color you want. This colors just for example. Thank you for vote))
Super idea! Would love to see this implemented! Would also free up CCs, and is a novel *visual meta-language* for music expression and artics.
You could even add another dimension (such as shape) for even more combinations and permutations. E.g. triangle, circle, square, hexagon, etc
I love this idea! How about also color articulations with FX?
I found out that this might even be a duplicate of this:
I would like to note that some libraries (the one I use for instance) have multiple keyswitches for articulations. In the east west symphonic library violin I there are several different legatos, a long and short marcato, martele, etc etc. So if I just hit "Legato" it's not going to handle it well. The different legato keyswitches on that patch sound drastically different. Now if you can assign 1 color per keyswitch, I like that. You could assign the color through the Keyswitch Preset. Then paint that in.
1. Might be hard to distiguish between the different tints of greens and blues 2. Not enough distinguishable color variations for a greater number of articulations 3. Why not indicate the name of the articulation on the note instead of interpreting a color code corresponding to an articulation?