Simple "Sound on Sound" recording option for any single track, please
The function that I'd like to have available is simply this: if I am punching in at the end of a recorded phrase, to correct a mistake or carry on from a specific point where I may have dropped out of performing the track for whatever reason, I wish to be able to "layer" that punch-in over the existing audio without any muting of the previous take. Some refer to it as "sound and sound". This allows the guitarist, in particular, a hands free approach to punching in very quickly without setting punch points. For example, I wish to punch in 2 seconds prior to the conclusion of the previous take in order to "pick up" where I left off. In these specific instances I need to hear the full performance of the previous take to it's end. This is particularly handy for the rough composing of ideas on the fly in the studio. Any edits to the previously recorded take can already be made quickly to accommodate the new recorded content including trimming, cross-fading, etc. The ability to do this is sorely missed from my working in Sonar Platinum prior to recently switching to Studio One 3 Pro. Again, this technique involves a bit of manual editing to simply trim the end of a take where there is a mistake or I've had a change of mind about the direction of the melody. That said, it's an intuitive and quick process instead of setting up automated punch-in points (although, Studio One makes punch in points rather easy to manage). I just find it easier to simply trim back the end of a take on the fly and either correct a mistake or change direction. I hope this consideration will be on the design table in the not too distant future.